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IIDA NE Hartford City Center’s Festival of Trees

IIDA NE Hartford City Center’s Festival of Trees

Join us for the highly anticipated IIDA New England Festival of Trees. This year’s event will be held on December 18th at Interscapes showroom in Farmington, CT, and promises to be a festive celebration of innovation, community, and holiday cheer. The Festival of Trees showcases stunningly designed trees created by local architecture and design firms, dealers, and manufacturers from our local community. Each tree reflects unique themes and creative concepts.

Enjoy a night of networking, light refreshments, and holiday spirit as we come together to celebrate the season and support our community. Whether you’re here to marvel at the artistry or connect with industry professionals, the Festival of Trees is an unforgettable experience that embodies the magic of the season. Mark your calendar and join us for an evening of inspiration, collaboration, and giving back. We look forward to celebrating with you!


Interested in decorating one of our ten (10) trees this year?  Here is some information for you to know:

  • There is no additional cost to you, your firm, or your company to decorate a tree and the tree is already provided.

  • Trees will be installed at Interscape's showroom starting on December 9th and you can go over and decorate them at any time during regular business hours leading up to the event date.  

  • In order to decorate your tree prior to the event, please contact Rita Joy from Interscape at rita.joy@interscape.com

  • Choosing to decorate a tree does not include a ticket to the event.

  • There is no theme for the event so every tree can have a different theme.

  • The artificial trees are 6ft tall and have white lights already installed on them.

  • Participants will be responsible for getting their own decorations to and from the event.

  • Anyone decorating can partner up with other firms, dealers, manufacturers if you want.  There is no limit or restrictions to who can work on a tree together.

  • There is an award for Best in Show as voted by the attendees of the event.  This award will be given out at 8:30pm the night of the event.  

  • Each attendee is given one ticket to cast their vote for the Best in Show award.


This year we are looking for those design firms, dealers, and manufacturers that want to do a little more to help make this event a little more spectacular!  For $300.00 you will help us keep the event ticket price the same as they were last year, get a single ticket to the event yourself, get your company logo on special event signage, and get some special shoutouts during the event. This contribution helps our Connecticut Chapter Committee in planning the food, beverage, and event activities that we can offer everyone attending.  Please consider making a difference if you can.  


Member- $55.00
Non-member - $65.00
Student & Faculty - $35.00
Event Sponsor (includes 1 event ticket)- $300

Registration has closed.

For more details or to get involved, please contact smontemerlo@officeworksinc.com.

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IIDA NE Festival of Trees Holiday Gathering

IIDA NE Festival of Trees Holiday Gathering

The Hartford City Center invites you to the first IIDA New England Festival of Trees Holiday Gathering. Come celebrate with members of the design community as we hope to create a new holiday tradition full of fun, creativity, joy, and of course a little competition.

More than just a fantastic social and networking event, we thought it important to provide our innovative and ingenious community members one last opportunity to showcased their talents before the end of the year. Hosted by Interscape Commercial Environments this year, we are inviting ten (10) teams to decorate 6ft artificial trees that we are providing in whatever way they want in hopes of winning the first ever Hartford City Center Festival of Trees "Best in Show" Award.

If you and your firm are interested in participating, please reach out to Scott Montemerlo directly at scott.montemerlo@tarkett.com. Teams will be provided two (2) weeks prior to the event to decorate their trees.

Come for the networking, food, and drinks (cash bar available), celebrate with friends and festive music, and stay to see and judge what your fellow design community members have created!


Member - $55.00
Non-member - $65.00
Student & Faculty - $40.00

Registration has closed for this event.

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IIDA NE Hartford City Center's Covenant to Care Gift Drive Drop Off

IIDA NE Hartford City Center's Covenant to Care Gift Drive Drop Off

The Hartford City Center's 24th Annual Convent to Care Gift Drive is kicking off this month and tags will be available for pickup or delivery from November 14th to November 28th.

The gifts you donate will go to the Convent to Care foster children and other at-risk children throughout the state of Connecticut. The children we serve come from extremely difficult situations including poverty, neglect, and abuse. They range in age from infants to teens and their wish lists include clothing, art supplies, educational toys, or gift cards. The gifts provided through this gift drive will likely be the inly present these children receive for the holidays and this small act of kindness will go a long way to bring some hope and happiness to this season. We love that so many of you look forward to this opportunity each year. Our goal is to serve at least 250 children this year so please pass this information along to everyone in your office!

Please email Deb Gearty at deb@ritzinc.com to let us know how many tags you would like to have for your office. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to bringing a little magic to children in need year after year!

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Connecticut Innovations Design Tour with Amenta Emma

Connecticut Innovations Design Tour with Amenta Emma

Want to see how a renovated space in a 1950’s-era bus station can transport a venture capital company that backs innovative technology start-ups, including life sciences companies engaged in Covid-19 research, into the future?

If so then join the Hartford City Center on our second Project Tour of Amenta Emma's AIA award winning project at Connecticut Innovations in New Haven, Connecticut. This 9,000-square-foot headquarters for Connecticut Innovations encompasses offices, meeting rooms, collaborative areas and open work areas. Exposed structure, HVAC, brickwork, metal panel ornamentation, and concrete floor staining are contextual with original architecture and provide an edgy industrial aesthetic.

Designers maximized existing features, which included high ceilings, skylights in their original positions, and a long south glazed wall, bathing the interior in light. Use of glass throughout the headquarters and along a central corridor, or “main street,” defines program spaces and allows glimpses of activity. Small offices along the perimeter of the interior maintain an open environment, while allowing private work spaces. Creation of glass and roofed “boxes” within the larger envelope also contribute to the open, light-filled environment, giving employees additional collaborative and huddle spaces that allow for distancing and easy cleaning.

Join us on October 17th at 8am for coffee and networking and stay for a tour of this wonderful space!


IIDA NE Members - Free
Non-members - $20.00
Students & Faculty - Free

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Breakfast Panel and Project Tour

Breakfast Panel and Project Tour

The Hartford City Center of IIDA New England invites you to experience an exciting new event for our local design community. This Breakfast Panel will feature speakers from JCJ Architecture, The SLAM Collaborative, Tarkett Sports Flooring, and Svigals Partners discussing the topic of architecture and interior design of sports facilities and esports!

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