Access Pass


Interested in attending the Design Awards, Fashion Show, or Building Leaders Breakfast but need financial assistance with ticket prices? IIDA NE offers a limited number of Access Passes on a first-come, first-serve basis through an application process! Recipients are chosen 1-2 weeks prior to each event so apply early to be considered!

Our application for Access Pass tickets to the 2025 Building Leaders Breakfast is now open! The deadline to apply is April 24. Passes are given on a first come, first serve basis.




For each recipient of the 2025 Membership Access Pass, IIDA NE will be able to cover 100% of your individual membership for 2025! If you are interested in joining IIDA for 2025, or renewing your membership and are looking for financial assistance in doing so, please keep reading!

Application Details & Requirements

  • We only have a limited number of Membership Access Passes to grant for 2025. Membership is calendar year based so apply early to take advantage of all that it has to offer.

  • You will be asked to complete a short application online. This information will be kept discreet and confidential.

  • Prior to applying, identify what membership type would you be applying for, i.e. Professional, Student, Associate, etc.? (please visit for details on the various membership types along with the various requirements for each membership type.

  • Signing up for the IIDA NE Membership Access Program is a great opportunity for both new and returning members to experience personal and professional growth, industry networking, gain new skills and have an amazing time doing it! We encourage you to take the next step and join a committee! To view the list of current committee openings, please click here.

  • Each individual is eligible to receive the Membership Access Pass once per lifetime.

Application Review & Process

  • Within one week of submitting your application, you will be contacted by a member of the IIDA NE Membership Committee regarding the status of your application.

  • If you are selected to receive the 2025 Membership Access Pass:

    • You will be asked to fill out a IIDA membership application within 10 business days of receipt. An IIDA NE Membership Committee member can walk you through those requirements if you need any assistance.

    • IIDA NE will forward your application along with payment, directly to IIDA HQ for processing.

    • IIDA HQ can take up to 30 days to process your application.


General questions regarding the Access Pass? Reach out to Kalyn Pavlinic, Vice President of Membership (