The Hartford City Center invites you to the first IIDA New England Festival of Trees Holiday Gathering. Come celebrate with members of the design community as we hope to create a new holiday tradition full of fun, creativity, joy, and of course a little competition.
More than just a fantastic social and networking event, we thought it important to provide our innovative and ingenious community members one last opportunity to showcased their talents before the end of the year. Hosted by Interscape Commercial Environments this year, we are inviting ten (10) teams to decorate 6ft artificial trees that we are providing in whatever way they want in hopes of winning the first ever Hartford City Center Festival of Trees "Best in Show" Award.
If you and your firm are interested in participating, please reach out to Scott Montemerlo directly at Teams will be provided two (2) weeks prior to the event to decorate their trees.
Come for the networking, food, and drinks (cash bar available), celebrate with friends and festive music, and stay to see and judge what your fellow design community members have created!
Member - $55.00
Non-member - $65.00
Student & Faculty - $40.00
Registration has closed for this event.