Welcome to the new and improved name change from “Business Leaders” to “Building Leaders” as we pivot this year’s program and theme. This year is all about YOU! We will discuss ways people can impact themselves in their career: how to self-promote, how to be recognized, how to influence and how to grow under the mantra “Influence in Action: Cultivating your Impact Before Your Next Title”.

Thursday, May 8, 2025

UMASS Club | 1 Beacon St. Level 32, Boston, MA 02108

Click the link below to nominate yourself or someone you admire to be our Building Leader Honoree! The deadline for nominations is April 1st.

Photos from the 2024 Business Leaders Breakfast

With over 300 attendees, there was lots of networking to be had!

A special thank you to our speaker, Jessica Pettit who captivated, motivated, and entertained all of us!

Thank you Senate President, Karen E. Spilka for discussing the impact of connections and the importance of supporting others!

A well deserved congratulations to our 2024 Honoree, Krista Easterly!

Big thanks to Meg Black at MegBlack Studio for crafting the stunning awards for this year's event!

Cheers to our 2024 Student Member of the Year, Isaura Sagredo Gonzalez!

Cheers to the 2024 BLB Committee on yet another, successful event and a job well done!

Please note: Photos and videos may be taken during this event for marketing and promotional purposes. By attending, you consent to their use. Thank you for being part of the IIDA NE community!