Environmental Graphics
Environmental Graphics
Graphic Design in a Healthcare Setting
Environmental graphic design has been a popular concept in the design industry for many years. It involves the use of a combination of design elements, such as color, imagery, typography, and texture, to provide visual cues, identify spaces, and enhance the visual aesthetics of an environment.
In healthcare settings, where patients are often under stress and require positive interactions, environmental graphics play an essential role. They are frequently used for wayfinding, creating a calming environment, and providing information that is crucial to the patient's health and well-being. Environmental graphics can be used to create a memorable connection with the surroundings, tell a story, and improve the overall experience of the patients. There are several ways in which environmental graphics are used in the healthcare industry. The most common use is wayfinding, where graphics are used to guide patients and visitors to their desired destinations. They are also used for branding, which helps patients identify the hospital or clinic they are in.
Environmental graphics have emerged as a popular design element in long-term patient care spaces throughout recent years. Specifically, color is utilized to invoke a patient's memory in memory care facilities, while textured graphics and imagery are employed to create a tactile experience that assists patients with sensory issues. Another notable application of this design approach is the utilization of bright colors and cheerful imagery in children's healthcare centers to foster a feeling of ease among young patients. This approach has been found to be highly effective.
As designers, it is essential to understand how environmental graphics can be used to improve design and the value they bring to a space. We must also consider how patients interact with these graphics and how we can leverage them to create a more positive experience. The future of environmental graphics looks promising in the healthcare industry. They will continue to play an integral role in creating an environment that helps patients feel calm, relaxed, and positive, ultimately improving their overall health and well-being.
Interested in reading more? Check out this article, "The Complete Blueprint for Environmental Graphic Design".
Designer Monologues the Podcast from IIDA New England with your host Katie Corcoran Garcia is officially LIVE!! On this show, we’ll share the stories behind the design of repurposing, developing and reshaping our communities. Incubated from the minds and skills of New England’s talented design community, you’ll hear how visual inspiration can come from nature, our history, current trends and more as we take you on a story-telling journey behind design.
Check out our latest episode here.
Hello IIDA New England Chapter!
The journey I’ve had with IIDA over the past few years has been nothing short of transformative. As the year comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and involvement in our community. Your participation and contributions have helped to strengthen the bonds and we are grateful for all that you do. As we enter the holiday season, I want to reflect on the generous spirit of our members and thank you all for the many kindnesses you bestowed on each other. Through my time serving the chapter, I have been very fortunate to expand my connections and get to know some truly amazing people both in our chapter and across the country. The positive relationships developed, and the favorable opportunities they provide, far exceed the time and effort spent volunteering.
We at IIDA NE have been enjoying working towards the change - the change to better serve you, our members! Over the course of this year, our chapter leaders have been working conscientiously to serve our members by activating the network and promoting our profession. Here’s to our accomplishments thus far, and to our next new beginning.
Community Outreach
The IIDA New England community has a strong base of local partners that we have engaged with for years. In the next year, I hope to strengthen those partnerships and hopefully establish new partnerships with other organizations. New events like ‘WHY IIDA’ will provide our members with new opportunities and connections that will benefit everyone.
We were also successful in launching Access Pass with the help of the catalyst grant awarded by IIDA HQ, knowing we are in unstable times and that some of our members may not be able to renew their membership dues in the new year. It is a unique grant program that provides financial assistance to individuals who may face financial barriers preventing them from becoming members or attending our signature events. This pass was intended to act as a bridge to keep members connected to us while in-between positions. Learn more about the benefits of this unique program on our iidane.org website.
EDI (Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion)
Our chapter’s goal for the year was to be more inclusive, highlighting our members’ diverse backgrounds and motivating others to pursue paths of leadership. We strive to create a culture of belonging and personal value for everyone as we create meaningful human experiences. We believe that greater representation and diversity of thought and experience make us a stronger, more capable, and creative organization.
Board members are stewards of the organization. The board must act in the best interest of the organization. With the organization’s mission in mind, the 2023-2024 Board members revisited the Board nomination policies. The goal was to ensure IIDA NE embraces diversity, responsiveness, and is a better reflection of the society we serve and what is best for our community. It will be exciting to see where this will take us in the coming years. Look out for the call for nominations in early spring and make your voice heard.
Designing for our future
As you read through this message, I hope you will share my excitement about the progress we’ve made, as well as the opportunities that lie ahead as we prepare to embark on a new year. In every nonprofit’s journey, there are pivotal moments - times when the tried-and-true strategies of the past begin to falter or even fail. Ironically, the success, expertise, and experience that got you to this point begin to conspire against you. You need a strategic outsider to lead you through a process-orientated strategic planning process that will help you build a strategic plan that marries actionable strategy to your vision. We as a Board are looking towards our winter board retreat where we will retire our old format of annual strategic plans with a long-term strategic planning for the chapter that dictates our values which drive the Association and our Chapter.
At this time, I am very excited to share and introduce our new IIDA New England’s Board Advisors who are well-known for design excellence, thought leadership, advocacy, and are community-driven.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce our two new incoming Board Advisors Felice Silverman, Principal at Silverman Trykowski Associates, Inc. and Carol Wedge, Former President and CEO of Shepley Bulfinch for 20+ years. A special thanks goes out to them, whose enthusiasm and contribution to our community and considerable expertise are going to be so valuable to the New England Chapter. Thank you both and a huge welcome!
While we introduce new events, we also cherish our time-tested signature events. We are thrilled to continue offering the NCIDQ study group. Our City Center events, including croquet, CEU events, summer socials, and holiday parties will also be making a return, alongside exciting initiatives to expand our city centers.
I'm proud of our Chapter's successes over the last few months, particularly in providing more opportunities for meaningful engagement of our members and sponsors, introducing innovative programming formats and topics, and providing professional development and outreach opportunities. In the year ahead, we will continue these initiatives, as well as add programming designed for the different stages of your career, virtual programming, and events.
I want to express my thanks to the IIDANE 2023-2024 Board and members at large for a very successful 2023. We are an exceptional team, and I certainly couldn’t lead without the incredible support I receive.
Let’s come together, get involved, get recognized, network, and of course, have fun! As always, we are here to serve you. Feel free to send your suggestions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you!
We’ve had an incredible 2023 and I look forward to an exciting 2024 with all of you! Enjoy your holiday celebrations with family and friends!
Be sure to check in with the IIDA New England calendar for upcoming events (both virtual and in-person) offered in our community. Here's a sneak peek at some upcoming events:
IIDA NE CEU Blitz Week // Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 15 *VIRTUAL
IIDA NE Festival of Trees Holiday Gathering // Wednesday, December 20 *IN PERSON
IIDA NE Ski Trip // Friday, January 12 *IN PERSON
Also, be sure to keep an eye on our IIDA New England job postings, which are updated regularly!
Check out the list of IIDA New England Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) Class of 2022 and the Leadership Exploration & Development (LEAD) Class of 2022!
Do you have an idea that you would like to share with the design community or see highlighted here in The Wire? Share your ideas here.
Stay tuned for the next Sponsor Spotlight!
Follow IIDA New England on social media and visit our website to keep up with the latest and greatest!