Isaura Sagredo

M.A. Interior Architecture

Endicott College

Isaura’s thesis project was designed to enhance the recovery of adolescent cancer patients. She created a community center for teens that responds to their specific needs through treatment, support, and joy. The hybrid building will work to restore the physical and emotional connections that are often lost while building a community in an environment that embraces the teens and their healing journeys.

Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be an interior designer?
A: When I was working in the Metro of Doha with other architects, I realized I loved their job. I've also been paying attention to interiors' massive impact on human lives and well-being.

Q: What’s something in your life that you gain inspiration from?
A: I find inspiration from both nature and the built environment. And the combination of both is fascinating! Having all the senses opened is my best way to find new ideas and pay attention to people's behavior. Traveling is a fantastic way to get fresh perspectives.

Q: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A: A bird. How magical could it be to choose to see the world from another perspective and discover new places depending only on your ability to fly?


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Mya Mosher